The Outlet Southland

Revitalizing Tuatapere Tony's Crusade for a Predator-Free Reserve

July 25, 2024 The Southland App

Discover the inspiring journey of the Tuatapere Predator Free Team as Tony shares their remarkable conservation efforts since their inception in 2023. How did they overcome the hurdles of rallying local support and securing necessary permissions? Learn about the profound ecological importance of totara and matai trees within their reserve and the transformative impact of their predator control initiatives. Tony sheds light on the impressive statistics of predators trapped, the revival of bird life, and forest regeneration, all thanks to the innovative use of automated AT220 traps. Uncover the thrilling discovery of long-tailed bats in the local reserve and their crucial role in ecosystem health. From Environment Southland's listening posts to community involvement spearheaded by local school children, hear about the essential strategies that have fostered a thriving environment for these vulnerable species. 

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